The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan plan to host four services of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation in 2024, the Rt. Rev. Skip Adams, assisting bishop, presiding.
All are invited to join in celebrating and praying for the Church’s newest Episcopal leaders as part of these services and throughout this year, whether in person or via live stream.
Candidates (those being confirmed, received, or reaffirmed in The Episcopal Church) must be registered ahead of time by their church. Please see details below.
Clergy are asked to process in cassock and surplice with red stoles.
Photo: A member of St. Martin’s, Kalamazoo is confirmed during the final confirmation of 2023 at St. Timothy’s, Richland.
Saturday, April 13th
Registration deadline – March 30

2:30 Rehearsal
4:00 Service
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
1523 N. Oak Rd.
Davison, MI 48423
Sunday, June 1st
Registration deadline – May 25

2:30 Rehearsal
4:00 Service
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
1025 3 Mile Rd. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Saturday, September 28th
Registration deadline – September 14

2:30 Rehearsal
4:00 Service
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
1020 E. Mitchell St.
Petoskey, MI 49770
Saturday, November 9th
Registration deadline – October 26

2:30 Rehearsal
4:00 Service
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
27 E. Chicago St.
Coldwater, MI 49036
All candidates must be pre-registered by their parish to participate in the service and receive their signed certificate. Individuals should not register themselves.
Please register all participants two weeks before the service.