Saturday, June 1 from 9-5pm

Calling all weekend warriors, DIY divas, and green thumbs of all stripes! Join us at the site of the soon-to-be AuSable Inclusion Center for a day of gardening, repairs, and general sprucing-up to serve our mission in the community and prepare for the launch of our New Episcopal Community later in June.
The AuSable Inclusion Center is a New Episcopal Community in the Diocese of Eastern Michigan seeking to officially launch in June 2024. It will provide programming for rural LGBTQ+ people and those marginalized by their economic status, organized around four pillars: social/emotional support, material support, spiritual support, and education/advocacy through both online and in-person programming. They also envision resourcing parishes in the dioceses seeking to deepen their own invitation to this population through education, advocacy, and potential collaborations.
There are projects for a wide range of gifts and talents, but volunteers with a gift for woodworking and gardening would be especially helpful for accomplishing our tasks.
Supplies, snacks, lunch, and a killer playlist will be provided. We’ll be working from 9-5pm, come for the whole day or as long as you can!
Questions about this event? Please contact ministry developer, the Rev. Beckett Leclaire, at or
AuSable Inclusion Center Commissioning Service, June 8th at 1pm, with light refreshments and celebration to follow!
Unable to contribute labor but would like to support the new Ausable Ministry Center in other ways? Please check out our building wishlist and library wishlist. Financial donations are welcome also! Please write checks out to “The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan,” marked for “The Ausable Inclusion Center” and mail to the Diocese of Eastern Michigan, 124 N. Fayette St., Saginaw, MI 48602.

The AuSable Inclusion Center
789 Ryno Rd.
Mio, MI 48647
Please RSVP by May 25th so that we can plan ahead for food and projects.
There is no cost to attend; we’re grateful for your contribution to the planting of this new ministry!