Worship Leader Training – Lent and Holy Week

Further training for licensed lay worship leaders Our whole series invitation to 2024 Worship Leader Trainings was published in November 2023. The next session in our 2024 Worship Leader Training series takes place on Zoom on Saturday, February 3rd, beginning at 10am and lasting no longer than 2pm. This session focuses on preparing for and […]
Ordination to the Priesthood
By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People The Right Reverend Gladstone Skip AdamsAssisting Bishop will ordain The Rev. Alexander Quick To the Sacred Order of Priestsin Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church onSunday, the Eighteenth of FebruaryTwo Thousand Twenty-Fourat Three O’Clock in the AfternoonCommemorating the Feast of Martin Luther […]
Annual Parish Report and Parochial Report
Friends and Colleagues, This email contains reminders and information about the following time-sensitive items: Please note that this information is being emailed to the treasurers, wardens, and parish administrators that were reported on your previous congregational data form or election report. If you are no longer serving in this role, please forward to the person […]

Opportunities to Review and Provide Input on Proposals The following invitation to further public conversation and feedback was sent to the dioceses in early December. The documents for review and feedback during these sessions are now available and posted to the diocesan websites (see links below). Please register to add your voice to this important […]
Ausable Inclusion Center Work Day – The Great Indoors

Saturday, March 2nd from 9-5pm Calling all weekend warriors, DIY divas, and interior decorating legends! Join us at the site of the soon-to-be AuSable Inclusion Center for a day of renovation, repainting, and redecorating to spruce up our interior space to serve our mission in the community. The AuSable Inclusion Center is a New Episcopal […]
Preaching Lent and Holy Week

Continuing Education for Clergy and Lay Preachers Join with other preachers across the diocese to dig into the rich texts of Holy Week and Easter, together considering our ministry of proclamation in the liturgy. Our bi-diocesan office of Adult Formation will offer a one-day continuing education workshop geared toward already-licensed lay preachers and clergy. We […]
Feedback Sessions with Building Bridges

Opportunities to Review and Provide Input on Proposals It’s been a busy and complex many years in the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan. Since Eastern Michigan first issued the invitation to discernment in 2018 and Western Michigan responded with “yes!” in 2019, together we’ve navigated a pandemic, two cases of bishop discipline, and a […]
Update on the Search for the Northern Staff Canon

Dear Courageous Disciples, We are eager to call the new Canon for the Northern Collaborative, Beloved Community, and Creation Care – an essential member of our diocesan staff team and for this crucial ministry area of our dioceses! While we have had some interest, we have yet to call the right person into this key […]
How I See My Monastic Solitary Life

By Sarah Swart, St. Luke’s, Kalamazoo Since my vows at the convention Eucharist, I’ve had some queries about my vocation as a monastic solitary. My call came out of a lot of daily prayer from the day my husband was guided by Jesus into his eternal life. That day and every day after I prayed […]
A Word from Bishop Skip for the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle

Dear People of Eastern and Western Michigan, It seems appropriate that on this Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, and right on the cusp of Advent, that I send you a word of greeting in the name of our Savior, Jesus. It is with a grateful heart that I have accepted the invitation of each […]