A Word from Bishop Skip for the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle

Dear People of Eastern and Western Michigan, It seems appropriate that on this Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, and right on the cusp of Advent, that I send you a word of greeting in the name of our Savior, Jesus. It is with a grateful heart that I have accepted the invitation of each […]


2024 DIOCESAN CONFIRMATION SERVICES The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan plan to host four services of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation in 2024, the Rt. Rev. Skip Adams, assisting bishop, presiding. All are invited to join in celebrating and praying for the Church’s newest Episcopal leaders as part of these services and throughout this […]


Take a step in exploring how God may be calling you Have you ever felt a nagging deep inside, wondering about whether you may be called to ordained ministry? Have you been fighting that feeling? Have others in your life told you you should consider becoming a deacon or priest? Are you interested in exploring […]

Bishop Singh Resigns as Bishop Provisional

Please read below for an important update from the Standing Committees and a note from Bishop Singh. Friends in Christ, Over the last few months, our dioceses have walked alongside our bishop provisional, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, as he’s responded to and participated in a Title IV investigation in light of allegations raised this […]

Title IV Update: Bishop Singh placed on restriction

Friends in Christ,This afternoon, we were notified by those overseeing the Title IV inquiry into Bishop Singh that he was being placed on immediate restriction from ministry in light of the pending allegations against him. This includes his active ministry amongst us as provisional bishop. This restriction is in effect until further notice. This news […]


Annual grants available to fund community projects All congregations are invited to submit a grant request to fund collaborative outreach projects for the next fiscal year. Social Service and Ministry Network Grants fund new network ministries that are collaborative beyond traditional geographic and congregational lines and initiatives that expand existing ministries. The grants are indicative […]

Season of Practice | A Conversation with our Archdeacons

Earlier this spring, Bishop Singh sat down with the two archdeacons serving Eastern and Western Michigan: the Vens. Linda Crane and Beth Drew. Together, they consider the role of the deacon in our church and in the world, reflect on the ministry happening in Eastern and Western Michigan, and discuss a strengthened diaconate in our […]

Initial Steps in the Title IV Investigation

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Thank you for the support and care you have shown us and one another over the last several days, as our dioceses have stepped into a sensitive situation along with our bishop. We write today with an update on the progress of the Title IV process and to underscore some important […]

Discernment Weekend

Take a step in exploring how God may be calling you Have you ever felt a nagging deep inside, wondering about whether you may be called to ordained ministry? Have you been fighting that feeling? Have others in your life told you you should consider becoming a deacon or priest? Are you interested in exploring […]


June 28th, 1-4pm; July 13, 6-9pm; July 16, 1-4pm Leaders in Eastern and Western Michigan are invited to be trained as faciliators to lead Sacred Ground circles for congregations and other groups in our dioceses. Sacred Ground is an eleven-session film-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups gather as “circles,” walking through […]