Sunday, May 21st at 3:00pm

Building on our work in developing the ChurchLands Map of Eastern and Western Michigan, church leaders are invited to join Plainsong Farm and Ministry for a conversation about land use on Sunday, May 21st from 3:00pm until about 4:15pm.
ChurchLands is an emerging initiative to educate and equip Christians and churches about land as an asset for ministry in an era of climate change. Wise land care and use can proclaim the gospel, conserve biodiversity, grow community health, create new relationships, and address historic injustices. The vision of ChurchLands is that churches begin to relate to land holdings in a way that is more faithful to the Gospel: integrating discipleship, ecology, justice, and health. This gathering builds on what Plainsong Farm has learned thus far and begins a Michigan network with the goal to encourage and equip disciples to tend land wisely here.
We’ll reflect on Scripture, learn about one another and the lands we care for, learn about national-level work in this area, and hear about the plans and goals that Plainsong has for a future Michigan ChurchLands network. If you care about practical work to care for creation through tending places and people, this gathering is for you.
Following the ChurchLands gathering, participants are warmly invited to join in Blessing the Fields at Plainsong Farm for the 2023 growing season at 4:30, with refreshments to follow. Learn more.
Questions about this event? Please contact the Rev. Nurya Parish at

Sunday, May 21st
Plainsong Farm & Ministry
6677 12 Mile Rd NE
Rockford, MI 49341
There is no cost to attend the Churchlands Gathering. Please RSVP by May 20th.