September 23-25 at Camp Chickagami
Fiber artists of all kinds and skill levels are invited to join us at Camp Chickagami to retreat and create, enjoying the beginning of autumn in Northern Michigan!
Join us for several days in community focused on building a closer relationship with God and other fiber artists. The schedule for our retreat is flexible – with time spent both alone and in group, in crafting and exploring our retreat theme: “Exploring Mystery – In Our Fiber Arts and In Our Lives.” As we craft together, we will reflect on the role that our fiber arts have in our lives and in our spiritual practices, especially when it is unexpected.
Our retreat is led by the Rev. Radha Kaminski, Rector of the Central Michigan Episcopal Covenant, a collaboration between St. Andrew’s, Big Rapids and St. Mary’s, Cadillac. Radha is a knitter, sewist, and aspiring spinner. She learned to sew as a child in her grandmother’s sewing classes and taught herself knitting after college. Knitting is a significant part of her spiritual practice, whether through its meditative rhythm or by crafting saintly gnomes.
Artists are asked to bring their own fiber arts materials and tools. There will be extension cords and some lamps available in the main hall we will be meeting and crafting in, but please bring any specific ones you will need. Projects and equipment may be left in the main hall during the retreat.
Learn more about adult retreats at Camp Chick, including a recommended packing list, FAQs and more, on their website.

Fiber art — practices and creations as old as humanity — is art that employs the use of fiber materials, such as yarn, wool, or fabric. Creations of fiber arts can serve functional roles while also being sources of storytelling, of spirituality, and of deep complexity. Examples include knitting, crochet, weaving, quilting, needlework, spinning, braiding, lacing, and much more.
Friday, September 23 – Check-in anytime between 3:00 and 6:00pm. We will gather at 6 pm for dinner, followed by community reflection, conversation, and fiberwork. An optional service of Compline will end our day.
Saturday, September 24 – The day includes gatherings for community reflection, conversation, fiberwork, free time, community meals, optional communion bread baking, and prayer services.
Sunday, September 25 – After breakfast we will gather for our closing service of Holy Communion with our final time of community reflection, conversation, and fiberwork. You are free to depart anytime after the service, but are welcome to remain for lunch and relax for a while.

Camp Chickagami, incorporated in 1929, is the ACA accredited camp and retreat center owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan. Located in Presque Isle, Michigan with frontage on Lake Esau and access to Lake Huron, Camp Chick offers individual and group rental stays and programming for children, youth, and adults throughout the summer season. Learn more at
This retreat’s pricing is a tiered pricing structure, beginning at $300, which includes lodging, all meals, and some materials.
Lodging will be assigned by Camp Chickagami with assignments ranging from cottages to bunk-cabins. If you have requests for cabin-mates please let us know during the registration process.
Partners/families are welcome to attend, whether or not they are also fiber artists or crafters. Children are welcome; though please note that there will be no childcare or children’s programming provided during the retreat and all children must be supervised by their responsible adults.