Take a step in exploring how God may be calling you
Have you ever felt a nagging deep inside, wondering about whether you may be called to ordained ministry? Have you been fighting that feeling? Have others in your life told you you should consider becoming a deacon or priest? Are you interested in exploring a call to ordained ministry? This is the weekend for you.
The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan, in collaboration with the Academy for Vocational Leadership and the Iona Collaborative from the Seminary of the Southwest, extends an invitation to come together for a weekend of discernment. This event is a first step into considering formal discernment for Holy Orders and is open to all.
Questions about this event? Please contact the Rev. Canon Tracie Little, Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation, at 810-300-9177 or tlittle@eastmich.org.
August 9-11, 2024

Arrival: Friday, 5:30pm
Departure: Sunday, about 3pm
St. Francis Retreat Center
703 E. Main Street
Dewitt, MI 48820
Participants are asked to cover the cost of their room, $98. All other costs and materials are covered by the dioceses.
Please register for the Discernment Weekend by July 15th.