Deputation to General Convention
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church takes place every three years. Each diocese sends a deputation to join the House of Deputies, conducting the business of the church at an international level. Deputies are elected by the diocesan convention.
The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church will take place July 2024 in Louisville, KY.
Dr. Elizabeth Jordan
St. Paul’s, Flint
Ellen McVey
St. John’s, Midland
Carol Moggo
St. Francis, Grayling
Sara Philo
Diocesan Staff; St. John’s, Midland
Mary Lou Creamer (Alt)
Grace, Port Huron
The Rev. Pamela Lenartowicz
St. Andrew’s, Gaylord
The Rev. Canon Tracie Little, D. Min.
Diocesan Staff
The Rev. Thomas Manney
St. Paul’s, Flint
The Rev. Nancy Mayhew
St. Alban’s, Bay City
The Rev. Heather Barta (Alt)
Resident, EM
Contact Person
Ellen McVey, Chair
Email Ellen