This winter, local leaders from across the dioceses are invited to participate in our 2022 Leadership Workshop Series in late February and early March.
Our 2022 Leadership Workshops — including an offering from our incoming provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh — will take place online via Zoom in light of the ongoing pandemic and current surge. Our hope is that holding these workshops online also enables greater participation from those for whom the distance to centralized or regional workshop days was a barrier.
The series is open to all and some workshops may be especially beneficial to those newly elected to vestries and specific roles (treasurers, clerks, etc.). We may not have their contact information until parochial and election reports are submitted later this year — please pass this information along to those elected during annual meetings.
Please read below for workshop descriptions, dates, and registration links. There is no cost to attend any workshop and each will be recorded.
Recordings now available for all sessions.
Hosted by the Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilbert, Archivist for the Diocese of Ohio
History is a prologue to the Future! Join the Rev. Dr. Brian Wilbert, Archivist for the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, for a “how to” workshop exploring the value and necessity of setting up and maintaining a parish archive. We’ll explore questions like: What should be kept? What gets thrown away? Paper versus Electronic imaging? What to do with parish record books and photographs? There will be time for Q&A.
Brian has served as Diocesan Archivist since 2013 but was bitten by the Archive bug during his college days (1978 – 1982). He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from Kenyon College, a Master of Divinity Degree in Theology from the Bexley Hall Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from the Seabury Western Theological Seminary. He retired from Christ Church, Oberlin in 2018 after a 23 year stint as Rector and is currently serving as Interim at Grace Church, Sandusky, Ohio. Brian lives with his spouse, Yorki and their seven year old Rescue Jack Russell Terrier, “Sancho Panza” in Oberlin where they are restoring a home built as Oberlin’s first Duplex in 1875 by a “Cheese Farmer”! In his spare time Brian enjoys genealogy, the history of recorded music, and tinkering on his 1923 Model T Ford.
Hosted by Sara Philo, Financial Manager for the Diocese of Eastern Michigan
and Tammy Mazure, CFO & Benefits Administrator for Western Michigan
Join our diocesan financial officers for an overview of parish financial leadership, including basics of accounting, reporting, audits, available loans and grants, and available resources. This workshop may be especially beneficial for those newly elected as parish treasurers, parish administrators, and all those involved in the oversight of parish finances and administration.
Hosted by the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, Bishop Provisional of the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan
Joy in Christ is at the core of our faithfulness and confidence as followers of Jesus. Joy transcends challenging circumstances, and when we practice it, we develop muscle memory to help us generate joy! When two or three gather and generate joy we create a culture that sustains it and leads to blessing the world around us. So, while we can generate joy as individuals we can only sustain joy as a communal practice or a team sport.
Hosted by the Rev. Canon Alan James, Former Canon Missioner for Western Michigan’s Southern Region
Stewardship and pledge drives usually take place in October. We want to carve out time to think creatively about engaging our parish in stewardship, but too often this important goal is pushed aside by more urgent needs. In the Spring or summer, any thought of stewardship becomes the thing we will get to “next week.” All of the sudden it is September, and we are deep in the details of launching a new program year. Join the Rev. Canon Alan James as he discusses the fundamentals of spiritually grounded stewardship and a few easy steps to take this summer to build a comprehensive program for your fall stewardship season.
Hosted by Katie Forsyth, Canon for Evangelism & Networking for the Dioceses of Eastern & Western Michigan
Join our diocesan communicator for a workshop on the basics of parish communications, including an overview of websites, social media, newsletters, and more. How do we define our audiences? How do we articulate our messages? What tools are necessary (and not necessary) to meet our communications goals? This workshop open to all and may be especially helpful to those exercising staff and volunteer communications functions, both lay and ordained.
Location: 124 N. Fayette Street Saginaw, MI 48602 | Phone: (877) 752-6020
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