Children & Youth Ministries

Children & Youth Ministries

There are opportunities for children and youth to connect across the diocese throughout the year. We work frequently with our fellow Episcopalians across the state as well as the ELCA to provide opportunities for formation and fun for our youngest members. 

Upcoming Events:

We hold regular training events for formation staff and volunteers.

Check out the most recent CYAYA newsletter for upcoming opportunities

If there is a specific training opportunity that you are interested in being offered, email McKenzie Knill at to connect.


A priority of the department of Children, Youth and Young Adult Formation in the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan is to be a resource for our congregations and all of the folks who work with and support the formation of young people within our dioceses.

One of the ways that we hope to be a resource is through offering access to copyrighted curriculums with diocesan licenses available at no cost to congregations as well as various free collations of resources and curriculums.

To access the paid and various unpaid materials, please contact your regional youth missioner or McKenzie Knill to get the password.

Diocesan & Regional Support for Children & Youth Ministry

The Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan have been broken down into four youth regions to encompass the area that four regional youth missioners serve. In all but one grouping, the youth regions include congregations and ministries from both dioceses! Click here to view the breakdown.

Each regional youth missioner is charged with:

  • Communicating and collaborating with leaders and families to increase and empower local efforts with youth within and beyond the existing community.
  • Develop additional on-the-ground support for our local congregations in the area of youth ministry appropriately contextualized to the area in which they serve.
  • Their specific duties are flexible and depend on the needs of the congregations in their region and may include resource sharing, congregational and/or regional events, volunteer recruitment, and more. Whether your community has a robust youth program or hasn’t for years, these youth missioners are here to support you.

McKenzie Knill (she/her)

Director of Children, Youth and Young Adult Formation;

Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan |

Jeff Brown (he/him)

Regional Youth Missioner for the Central Region

Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan |

The Rev. Radha Kaminski (she/her)

Regional Youth Missioner for the Northern Region

Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan |

Beckett Leclaire (they/them)

Regional Youth Missioner for the Eastern Region

Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan |

The Rev. Joel Turmo (he/him)

Regional Youth Missioner for the Southern Region

Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan |

Contact Person

McKenzie Knill
Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Formation