and Philadelphia Eleven Documentary Screenings
Due to low registrations for our in-person events, the 2024 Leadership Days and Philadelphia Eleven screenings will adapt to a new schedule of online workshops and in-person documentary screenings, all at no cost.
Please read below for information about each of our workshops, including their revised date and time. Each workshop will be offered once and recorded for later viewing. Please RSVP for each session you plan to attend.
All registrants for the original event will receive an additional email with information about refunds.
In addition to our online workshop offerings, the three regional screenings of The Philadelphia Eleven will take place as planned. The new documentary celebrates the 50th anniversary of women’s ordination in The Episcopal Church, telling the story of the audacious first eleven women to be ordained as priests in our church. The original fee has been removed in recognition of the reduced travel and hospitality costs for each of the regional events.
Questions about this event? Please contact the Rev. Canon Tracie Little at or
Workshops with RSVP Links
Please use the links below each workshop to RSVP to attend that session. If you plan to participate in multiple sessions, you must RSVP for each one. There is no cost to participate in an online workshop.
Creation Care 101
Hosted by the Rev. Canon Nurya Love Parish, Canon for the Northern Collaborative and Beloved Community, Creation Care
Christian practice of care for Creation is rooted in our understanding of who we are, whose we are, and to whom this earth truly belongs. In this workshop we’ll study Scripture including sections of Genesis 2 and Psalm 24 and create prayers of thanksgiving and intercession for particular places on earth that we hope to tend well to give life and health to future generations and glory to God.
New date and time: Wednesday, June 12th at 7pm
Click here to RSVP.
Transitions Overview
Hosted by the Rev. Canon Tracie Little, Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation
All of our congregations at some point will experience a time of transition. During these times, as the regular pattern of clergy presence is disrupted, anxiety within the congregation can result. One of the easiest ways to calm some of this anxiety, is for leadership to be transparent about the process of working through times of transition. This workshop is designed to give a simple overview of the transition’s process to help congregations and leadership understand how they and the diocesan transitions officer work together.
New date and time: Saturday, June 1st at 10am
Click here to RSVP.
Finance 101
Hosted by Sara Philo, CFO & Benefits Administrator
with Julia Quillan, Bookkeeper for the Diocese of Western Michigan
Join our finance staff for an overview of parish financial leadership, including basics of accounting, reporting, audits, available loans and grants, and available resources. This workshop may be especially beneficial for those newly elected as parish treasurers, parish administrators, and all those involved in the oversight of parish finances and administration.
New date and time: Monday, June 3rd at 7pm
Click here to RSVP.
Vestry 101
Hosted by the Rev. Canon Sunil Chandy, Canon for the Central Collaborative and Digital Communities
Are you new to vestry and looking to learn how to be an effective member of your church’s governance? Come and join Canon Sunil as we discuss the canonical responsibilities of the vestry, including the roles and responsibilities of clergy, the executive team, as well as the role of the vestry in God’s mission in the world. Throughout the workshop, we will review real-life case studies that will help us better understand and engage in the concepts we have learned.
New date and time: June 13th at 7pm
Click here to RSVP.
Planning Your Formation Year
Hosted by members of our bi-diocesan children/youth formation team
Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. In this process, we are transformed into the people God wants us to be. Join members of your bi-diocesan Children/Youth formation team to walk through and share ideas for planning your formation year to support the continued growth in relationship with God, self, others, and creation for our younger generations.
Plan to walk away with a template for planning and resources for formation and come prepared to share what has worked (or not worked!) for you in your spaces and places.
New date and time: Wednesday, May 29th at 7pm
Click here to RSVP.
Building Blocks of Church Communications
Hosted by Katie Forsyth, Canon for Evangelism & Networking
Join our diocesan communicator for a workshop on the basics of parish communications, including an overview of websites, social media, newsletters, and more. How do we define our audiences? How do we articulate our messages? What tools are necessary (and not necessary) to meet our communications and community engagement goals? This workshop open to all and may be especially helpful to those exercising staff and volunteer communications functions, both lay and ordained.
New date and time: Tuesday, June 11th at 6pm
Click here to RSVP.

At 2:00 pm on each of our three original dates, join Episcopalians and others from your area for a screening of The Philadelphia Eleven, a new documetary telling the story of the eleven women ordained in 1974 as an act of civil disobedience. In 2024, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of breaking the glass ceiling of ordination in The Episcopal Church! Click here to watch the trailer for The Philadephia Eleven.
The screening will begin at 2pm.
Click here to RSVP for any of the three screenings.
Locations for Movie Screenings

May 11, 2024
Trinity Episcopal Church
101 E. Mansion St.
Marshall, MI 49068

May 18, 2024
St. John’s Episcopal Church
405 N. Saginaw St.
Midland, MI 48640

June 15, 2024
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
1020 E. Mitchell St
Petoskey, MI 49770