OUR SEASON OF PRACTICE: A Conversation with our Regional Canon Staff

As we look ahead to reimagined regions across both dioceses, Bishop Singh sat down with Western Michigan’s three departing Canon Missioners and the Rev. Canon Dr. Tracie Little, current Canon to the Ordinary for Eastern Michigan to reflect on their ministries and look ahead into our Season of Practice. This long-form video (around 30 minutes) explores aspects of working on a bishop’s staff, what gifts are sought in a regional canon, and the gifts they’ve experienced in our dioceses and in our great Mitten state.

We invite you to respond to similar questions as well, whether as individuals or in small groups from your congregation, such as:

  • What gifts are important for the diocesan Regional Canon to have in support of our congregations’ mission and ministry?
  • What opportunities might exist for your congregation to collaborate with others through the reimagined regional model?
  • What are some gifts you’ve noticed in our bi-diocesan community?
  • How have you seen our communities shifting or adapting over the last several years?

We are seeking three new Regional Canons to join our diocesan staff. Click here to read more about the new positions and share with your network.