It brings us immense joy to announce the appointment of the Rev. Tracie Little as Canon to the Ordinary serving the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan.
While the Standing Committee originally planned to appoint a person to this role in an interim capacity following the departure of our outgoing Canon, the Rev. Canon Michael Spencer, they discovered there was mutual desire to be in conversation with Tracie about the position long-term. With the support of our bishop, Tracie will begin in this new call on March 22nd, concluding her six-year ministry with St. Jude’s on March 6th.
Tracie is a long-time leader of this diocese having served as priest with several of our congregations: as assisting priest at Grace, Port Huron; as missioner to the team at St. Paul’s, Port Huron; as rector of All Saints, Marysville and; most recently as rector of St. Jude’s, Fenton. She is a former Eastern Michigan deputy to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church and has served as a consultant and trainer in areas of congregational development, lay worship leading, and transitions. Tracie received her M.Div. from Huron University College in London, Ontario and is in her third-year of a D.Min. in Preaching at Bexley-Seabury Seminary. Tracie, who at one time held dual-citizenship in France and Canada, became a US citizen in 2014. She and her husband, Dave, live in Linden.
Tracie greets the diocese, saying, “It is with great joy that I look forward to joining the diocesan staff as Canon to the Ordinary. Everything I have done up until now has prepared me for this new ministry and I am excited to share my gifts throughout the diocese. I look forward to meeting you and partnering in God’s ongoing work throughout Eastern Michigan!”
The Canon to the Ordinary is a common diocesan role in The Episcopal Church, though the responsibilities may vary from diocese to diocese. In Eastern Michigan, the Canon to the Ordinary holds responsibility for working with congregations and clergy in transition, supporting the development and mission strategy of our congregations and diocesan leadership, and all other areas that may be assigned by the “Ordinary” – the bishop. They work closely with the other members of our staff team, elected diocesan leaders, and congregational leaders to further the Kingdom of God in our community.
We look forward to Tracie beginning in this role in March. Please join us in welcoming Tracie to the team.
Epiphany Blessings,