Dear Friends, Earlier this week, while reviewing preliminary documents and procedures for the upcoming Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion, colleagues discovered the inclusion of a decades-old statement; one discriminatory to our beloved LGBTQ+ siblings. Attending bishops are asked to either affirm the statement or indicate that they “need more time for discernment.” There is […]
Training For Lay Preachers

COURSES PREPARE PARTICIPANTS FOR LICENSURE Dear Friends in Christ, Eastern and Western Michigan will be offering training for lay preachers seeking to get licensed in our dioceses. The courses take place alongside our Academy for Vocational Leadership. If you feel called to serve as a lay preacher, please speak with your priest (or senior warden […]
Litany of Lament and Healing After Roe vs. Wade is Overturned

Dear Saints, I write in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, a step back in human rights, privacy, and safety for so many of our beloved siblings, neighbors, and friends. We do not forget that this decision threatens not only access to life-saving healthcare but the rights of so many others […]
Naucratius Camp 2022

AUGUST 26-28, 2022 AT CAMP CHICKAGAMI Join us at Camp Naucratius, a weekend camp program filled with friends, family, fishing, and life-long memories. This is the first (and hopefully annual!) Naucratius Family Camp! We’ll offer some programming, built-in free time, fishing, hiking, games, prayer and worship, and more. All planned activities for the weekend are […]
A Word from the Bishop for Pride Month

Bishop Singh speaks to the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan on the first day of Pride Month 2022. He also makes an announcement regarding his plans for Lambeth this summer.
A Word from the Bishop for Pentecost

The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Provisional Bishop serving the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western MIchigan, offers our community a word for the Feast of Pentecost, coming up on June 5, 2022.
Statement from Bishop Singh Concerning the Shooting in Texas
Dear saints, Robb Elementary was home to the 27th school shooting this year and the 119th school shooting since 2018 in our country. Houston, Uvalde, and Oxford; we have a problem! My brother bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas writes, “What we have to offer is ourselves. We have received power to love […]
Progressive Mission Trip

We Are Beloved Community – July 7-13, 2022 “Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?” This summer, Episcopal high schoolers will join in a journey of pilgrimage and discovery. We’ll pray together and consider the meaning of our Baptismal Covenant and Jesus’ teachings. We’ll serve in ministries that […]
Bishop Singh Invites Leaders to Discernment Weekend
Click here to learn more about the Discernment Weekend and RSVP for this no-cost event. Greetings Beloved, Have you ever felt a strange warmth within, or a disturbance within, that caused you to wonder if perhaps you are being called to discern for Holy Orders? To serve as a deacon, as a priest? Has […]
Pre & Post General Convention Meetings

Opportunities to meet with our diocesan deputations All in Eastern and Western Michigan are invited to participate in upcoming online gatherings before and after this summer’s General Convention. The General Convention is the decision-making body of The Episcopal Church. Composed of the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, the convention gathers every three […]