Ecumenical Endeavors

A number of important dialogue meetings are set to occur this fall. These dialogues will serve as important stepping stones for resolutions that will be brought to the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in June of next year. The Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, which will compose the proposed resolutions coming […]
Bishop Singh Resigns as Bishop Provisional
Please read below for an important update from the Standing Committees and a note from Bishop Singh. Friends in Christ, Over the last few months, our dioceses have walked alongside our bishop provisional, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, as he’s responded to and participated in a Title IV investigation in light of allegations raised this […]
Title IV Update: Bishop Singh placed on restriction
Friends in Christ,This afternoon, we were notified by those overseeing the Title IV inquiry into Bishop Singh that he was being placed on immediate restriction from ministry in light of the pending allegations against him. This includes his active ministry amongst us as provisional bishop. This restriction is in effect until further notice. This news […]

Sunday Afternoons October through mid-March 2024 Episcopal young people are invited to join regional youth missioners, the Rev. Beckett Leclaire (Deacon – St. John’s, Dryden; Youth Missioner Admin) and the Rev. Joel Turmo (Rector – St. Timothy’s, Richland; Youth Missioner for the Southern Collaborative) for an opportunity to participate in a free youth-focused, online confirmation […]
Zoo Day – Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis

October 1, 2023 at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing Children, youth, and adults of all ages are invited to a bi-diocesan Zoo Day celebrating the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the saint of animals and creation. Please join us on Sunday, October 1 from 2-5pm at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing for a visit […]

Annual grants available to fund community projects All congregations are invited to submit a grant request to fund collaborative outreach projects for the next fiscal year. Social Service and Ministry Network Grants fund new network ministries that are collaborative beyond traditional geographic and congregational lines and initiatives that expand existing ministries. The grants are indicative […]
Creation Care Online Summit II

Wednesday, September 20th from 7-8:30pm The Creation Care Task Force provides leadership to the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan on issues related to the care, protection, and remediation of God’s creation. One of the group’s key goals is to make environmental stewardship and climate care a significant element of every parish’s life and mission. […]
Young Adult Dinner Church Retreat

September 2-4, 2023 at Camp Chickagami Young adults, college through millennials, are invited to come spend their Labor Day Weekend at Camp Chickagami for our annual retreat, focusing on our connection between food and community. Our flexible schedule includes worship and fellowship, unstructured time and time with the whole group. Participants will have the opportunity […]

September 22-24, 2023 at Camp Chickagami God invites us to relationship each and every day. Retreats are a great opportunity to take time apart and disconnect from our everyday lives, connecting with this call to relationship through exploration of spirituality, prayer life, and community. Our retreat is facilitated by the Rev. Radha Kaminski, priest in […]
Spiritual Practices in Contemplative Retreat

August 18-20, 2023 at Camp Chickagami Adults of all genders are invited to join us for several days spent in community, building a closer relationship with God and creation and journeying deeper into our spiritual practices. God invites us to relationship each and every day. Retreats are a great opportunity to take time apart and […]