Ordination to the Priesthood

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People The Right Reverend Prince Grenville SinghProvisional Bishop will ordain The Rev. Joseph Kennedy To the Sacred Order of Priestsin Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church onSaturday, the Twenty-Fourth of JuneTwo Thousand Twenty-Threeat Three O’Clock in the AfternoonCommemorating the Feast of the Nativity […]
Coordinator for the College for Congregational Development

Dear Friends, With joy, I announce that the Rev. BJ Heyboer will join our bi-diocesan staff, serving as part-time Coordinator of the College for Congregational Development (CCD) in Eastern and Western Michigan. Her new role begins immediately. She continues as rector serving St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Newaygo. BJ was ordained to the priesthood in […]
Ordination to the Diaconate – Beckett Leclaire

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People The Right Reverend Prince Grenville SinghProvisional Bishop will ordain Beckett Joseph Leclaire To the Sacred Order of Deaconsin Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church onSaturday, the First of JulyTwo Thousand Twenty-Threeat Eleven O’Clock in the MorningCommemorating the Feast of Pauli Murray atGrace […]

Sunday, May 21st at 3:00pm Building on our work in developing the ChurchLands Map of Eastern and Western Michigan, church leaders are invited to join Plainsong Farm and Ministry for a conversation about land use on Sunday, May 21st from 3:00pm until about 4:15pm. ChurchLands is an emerging initiative to educate and equip Christians and […]
Ordination to the Diaconate of Linda Scheerer

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People The Right Reverend Prince Grenville SinghProvisional Bishop will ordain Linda Scheerer To the Sacred Order of Deaconsin Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church onSunday, the Eleventh of JuneTwo Thousand Twenty-Threeat Three O’Clock in the AfternoonCommemorating the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle […]
Celebration of Ministry – Shadrack Owuor and Grace, Port Huron

The Wardens, Vestry, and People of Grace Episcopal Church, Port Huron With our Bishop,The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, request your prayers and presenceas we renew and celebrate our ministry with The Rev. Shadrack Owuor on the Twenty-fourth day of Mayin the Year of our Lord Two Thousand Twenty-three,at seven o’clock in the evening Grace […]

Two-part program prepares participants for licensure We have heard consistent interest in training for licensed lay preachers, especially with so many of our congregations in transition and so many exercising vibrant ministry without a full-time parish priest. To that end, we will again offer our formation program for licensed lay preachers in 2023-24. The courses […]

Celebrating our High School and College Graduates Our high school and college graduates and those who love them are invited to join our bi-diocesan community to celebrate the closing of a chapter!! Please join us on Saturday, May 20th from 3-6pm at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Midland for food and fellowship, celebrating our scholars […]
Sponsorship Funding Available for Pride Engagement

Easter Greetings! Last spring, as we were discussing a few requests that had come into our office asking if we would sponsor local LGBTQ+ Pride events, the bishop had a brilliant idea: “what if we just went out and sponsored every Pride event in our dioceses?” And we did. Well, the ones that hadn’t passed […]
Bishop Singh’s Easter Message

We begin the season of lent with these words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.” It is a wonderful and mysterious combination of our mortality and our eternal belovedness. When we come to these places where there is an intersection, I find a fascinating way in which Jesus embodies that. […]