Annual grants available to fund local projects All congregations are invited to submit a grant request to fund collaborative outreach projects for the next fiscal year. Social Service and Ministry Network Grants fund new network ministries that are collaborative beyond traditional geographic and congregational lines and initiatives that expand existing ministries. The grants are indicative […]


October 14-15 at St. John’s, Grand Haven The Dismantling Racism Task Force will sponsor an opportunity for members of the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan to participate in a two-day intensive offered by CORE (Congregations Organizing for Racial Equity). The training, titled “Understanding Racism” covers the many facets of racism, from its origins […]


September 23-25 at Camp Chickagami Fiber artists of all kinds and skill levels are invited to join us at Camp Chickagami to retreat and create, enjoying the beginning of autumn in Northern Michigan! Join us for several days in community focused on building a closer relationship with God and other fiber artists. The schedule for […]

Daughters of the King Assembly 2022

dAUGHTERS OF THE KING ASSEMBLY 2022 All DOK members of Eastern and Western Michigan are invited to join us for the first gathering of the Daughters of the King in two years! YOU’RE INVITED! It is a time to gather, pray and give thanks for God’s goodness as we explore our 2022 theme, Partners in […]


September 24th at Holy Spirit, Belmont All DOK members of Eastern and Western Michigan are invited to join us for the first gathering of the Daughters of the King in two years! It is a time to gather, pray and give thanks for God’s goodness as we explore our 2022 theme, Partners in Ministry. Plan […]

Training For Lay Preachers

COURSES PREPARE PARTICIPANTS FOR LICENSURE Dear Friends in Christ, Eastern and Western Michigan will be offering training for lay preachers seeking to get licensed in our dioceses. The courses take place alongside our Academy for Vocational Leadership. If you feel called to serve as a lay preacher, please speak with your priest (or senior warden […]

Litany of Lament and Healing After Roe vs. Wade is Overturned

Dear Saints, I write in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, a step back in human rights, privacy, and safety for so many of our beloved siblings, neighbors, and friends. We do not forget that this decision threatens not only access to life-saving healthcare but the rights of so many others […]

Resolution Submitted by the Joint Deputations

As our diocesan deputations to General Convention prepared for our work, we discerned a desire to communicate to the wider church our shared experience of the recent Title IV process around our former bishop’s suspension. In exploring whether to submit a resolution or memorial, we entered conversation with those who served during this time as presidents of our Standing Committees as well as our provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh.

A Word from the Bishop for Pentecost

The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Provisional Bishop serving the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western MIchigan, offers our community a word for the Feast of Pentecost, coming up on June 5, 2022.

Bishop Singh Invites Leaders to Discernment Weekend

Click here to learn more about the Discernment Weekend and RSVP for this no-cost event.   Greetings Beloved, Have you ever felt a strange warmth within, or a disturbance within, that caused you to wonder if perhaps you are being called to discern for Holy Orders? To serve as a deacon, as a priest? Has […]