June 15th – Farmer’s Creek at Oakdale, Lapeer
Join Holy Hikes Great Lakes on our third hike of the 2024 Season at Farmer’s Creek at Oakdale in Lapeer! Together, we’ll hike, we’ll pray, we’ll engage in fellowship with one another, and we’ll celebrate the diversity of God’s creation!
All hiking sites have been carefully selected to be rated “easy” treks to ensure access for all generations and most mobilities. We expect to spend about 90 minutes on the trail, including time both hiking and stopping for prayer and reflection. We end each hike with trailside fellowship! In the case of heavy rain, the date will be rescheduled.
Please read below to learn all about the next Holy Hike in Grand Rapids and the rest of the 2024 season. We ask that all participants RSVP so we know how many to expect and so that we can be in touch with more specific directions to the trailhead and in case of inclement weather.
Our Holy Hikes Chapter Coordinator is Beckett Leclaire (AuSable Inclusion Center; St. John’s, Dryden). Questions? Contact Beckett at bleclaire@eastmich.org or bleclaire@edwm.org.
Holy Hikes is a church-wide eco-ministry network affiliated with the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. It was developed with the goal of helping individuals be renewed in their relationship with the earth, the Church, and the Creator. Holy Hikes calls us beyond the walls of comfort, to take a step (or a hike!) towards reunion with the earth and all of its life and beauty.
Previous Hikes this season:
APRIL 20th – Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary
MAY 18th – Millenium Park in Grand Rapids
JUNE 15th at 1PM

Farmer’s Creek at Oakdale
Parking at Chatfield School, Southern Lot
231 Lake Dr.
Lapeer, MI 48446
Visit their website for more information about this site.
Approx. 2.5 mile hike.
Leashed dogs are welcome.

Offield Family Working Forest Reserve
7425 Henrick Rd.
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
Visit their website for more information about this site.
Approx. 2 mile hike.
Leashed dogs are welcome.

Ringwood Forest
Ring Rd.
St. Charles, MI 48655
From M-52, turn west to head down Ring Rd. for approx. 1.5 miles, to the entrance of Ringwood Forest.
Visit their website for more information about this site.
Less than 2.5 mile hike.
Leashed dogs are welcome.

Maple Hills Cemetery
200 N. Lake St.
Cadillac, MI 49601
Visit their website for more information about this site.
Less than 2 mile hike.
Dogs are not permitted at this site.
How can my congregation support a nearby Holy Hike?
First, we’d love for you to share this invitation broadly with your community. We’d love to welcome as many people as possible as participants! Additionally, we could use some support manning the welcome station (helping greet latecomers, especially) and preparing the hospitality post-hike. To get in touch with Beckett, please email bleclaire@eastmich.org or bleclaire@edwm.org.
How should we pack for a Holy Hike?
For all participants to keep safe and healthy during our hikes, we ask that you pack the following items:
- Water bottle with plenty of water
- Bug spray (look for one that wards off ticks)
Sunscreen - (If bringing a dog) Six-foot leash and waste baggies
- (Optional) Bag chair, for fellowship at the trailhead
Please wear close-toed shoes, comfortable for heavy walking.
Who’s invited?
Holy Hikes are open to all – you do not need to be an Episcopalian or a member of a church to join. Bring friends!
There are no age limits to participation, but we do require that any minors (kids under 18) be accompanied by a designated adult.
Can my dog come?
Friendly dogs are welcome to join us if permitted by the particular site. In all circumstances, the dog should be leashed (6 ft. max leash) and all waste picked up and removed.
Dogs are welcome at the site of our hike on June 15th in Lapeer.
There is no cost to attend any of the Holy Hikes events, but your RSVP helps us plan and communicate in case of weather.