Transitions & Openings

Congregations have many models of ongoing leadership. This page contains information for parishes and clergy experiencing transition.


Transition Ministry is the term used in the Episcopal Church when congregations are in periods of transition between clergy leaders. Congregations are said to be “in transition” from when the Rector or Priest-in-Charge (PIC) announces her/his plans to leave the congregation until the next Rector/PIC is installed.

Activities during a transition phase might include creating opportunities for leave-taking with the departing Rector/PIC, discernment of the congregation’s needs and desires for clergy leadership in the near and distant future, the calling and selection of an Interim Priest, a Rector/PIC search process, and/or discernment about non-traditional models of leadership and parish organization. In the recent past, Transition Ministry was referred to as “Deployment”.

Congregations Seeking Candidates

Candidates are invited to submit a current version of the OTM profile, letter of interest, and may submit a resume or vita. Unless directed otherwise, materials should be submitted to the Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation.  

For information about congregations in other stages of transition, please contact the Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation.

Open Diocesan Lay Positions

The following position(s) are now accepting applications to join our diocesan staff:

  • No position currently seeking applications

Receiving names now:

Candidates are invited to express interest:

Contact Person

The Rev. Canon Tracie Little
Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation