LGBTQ+ Inclusion Training for Congregations

February 11, 2023 from Noon-4pm in Lansing In the first century, Jesus inspired a movement – a community of people whose lives were centered on Jesus Christ and committed to living the way of God’s unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial, and redemptive love. As Episcopalians, we believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Creator, Son, and […]


SAFE CHURCH, SAFE COMMUNITIES: TRAIN-THE-TRAINER Join McKenzie Knill, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Formation, for one of five sessions in which participants will be trained to lead and facilitate the Safe Church, Safe Communities sessions for their local community. YOU’RE INVITED! Join McKenzie Knill, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adult Formation, for […]


START A CHILDREN OR YOUTH FORMATION PROGRAM Join our diocesan formation staff for an online gathering focused on resource sharing to build congregation’s formation programs for young people. YOU’RE INVITED! Join our diocesan formation staff for an online gathering focused on resource sharing, visioning, and discussion aimed at equipping leaders to build (or rebuild!) their […]

Convention Address 2022

We are goin’ heaven knows where we are goin,’ but we know we will get there. We will get there, heaven knows how we will get there, but we know how will get there.  It will be hard, we know that the road will be muddy and rough, but we will get there. Heaven knows […]


February 25, 8:30-6pm at Grace, Lapeer Parents and Primary Caregivers of minor children are invited to start their Lenten season with a daytime retreat. This free event will offer an opportunity for fellowship, formation, and refreshment. Sessions will include exploring parenting as a Christian Vocation, ways to “Grow Christians,” a Spiritual Practice opportunity, and an […]

Convention Ordinations – Fall 2022

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People, The Right Reverend Prince Grenville Singh Bishop Provisional will ordain the following people at the Fall 2022 Joint Convention.  Joseph Kennedy To the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church The Rev. Alicia Hager, and The Rev.  Derek […]

COVID – Directives Exit

Dear Friends and Colleagues, With great joy, we announce that the lower peninsula dioceses in Michigan (Eastern Michigan, Michigan, and Western Michigan) will exit our joint pandemic directives, The Plan for Re-Entry for Great Lakes Episcopalians, effective today, October 10th. Recognizing that COVID is still present in our communities, we believe we are at a […]


November 12, 6-7:30pm at John Ball Zoo Youth from the Central Youth Region (and their families!) are invited to gather at John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids for Living Lights: An Illumizoo Experience! This unique annual event invites the community to get outdoors, celebrate Michigan’s beautiful fall weather, and explore and learn more about the […]


November 5th, 10-2 pm at St. John’s, Saginaw Worship is a powerful place – a place that transforms and empowers. What we do when we gather is so much more than reciting words set down in an approved collection of liturgies. This is the place where we may find ourselves awakened by God and stretched […]

Season of Practice

An Introduction from Bishop Singh Greetings Beloved, I am Prince Signh, and I have the honor of serving as your Bishop Provisional in Eastern and Western Michigan. It’s been eight months since I started on this adventure with you, and you have been at this for a while. I will tell you that I am so […]