The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan gathers each year for our convention – a time set aside for community building and governance.
Every diocese in The Episcopal Church gathers every year in convention, the primary governing and legislative body of the diocese. Each faith community participates by sending a delegation of laity and clergy, when present.
At diocesan convention, we pass resolutions and elect leaders to various governing bodies, we consider any proposed changes to the constitution and canons, and take part in the financial stewardship of the diocese. It’s also an opportunity to gather in fellowship, learning, and worship as a diocesan body.
In October 2024, we will gather for the “Primary Convention” of The Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes — the new body created from the combining of the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan. Our time will include celebration and fellowship as well as the consideration and adoption of a Constitution and Canons, a transitional budget for 2025, elections to diocesan leadership, and more.
Friday-Saturday, October 18-19, 2024
Soaring Eagle, Mount Pleasant
Registration opens in June.
The Agreement of Union is the packet of materials that will be submitted to the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church for ratification. It contains the proposed name of the new diocese, the draft constitution and canons, financial information, steps toward the election of a bishop diocesan and more.
The Agreement essentially demonstrates to the dioceses and the wider church that we’ve done our homework to prepare for this moment. The draft canons and budgets remain amendable prior to adoption at the Primary Convention of the Diocese of the Great Lakes.
>> Click here to access the Agreement of Union document, plus additional materials: the text of the resolutions passed by convention and the rules of order.
The votes were conducted following Episcopal Church canons and the canons of each respective diocese, resulting in an overall approval rate of 83%. The results of the decision were as follows:
During the convention, there was a motion to vote by orders in Western Michigan, requiring the vote to pass in each group, lay and clergy. The results of that specific segmentation were —
A technical glitch in the slide calculation from our voting secretary’s software prevented the results to be represented accurately on the screen for the Western Michigan clergy vote (it was not refreshing from the WM lay data). After double checking the collected data from the voting devices, the results for each group were communicated verbally to the convention after they had been vetted by the Chancellor, understanding that we would not be able to project all three results together in a timely manner.
Please give us your feedback to improve future conventions!
Delegates, clergy, and visitors who attended the in-person Special Joint Convention on Saturday, March 16th at St. Christopher’s, Grand Blanc are invited to complete the convention survey to help improve future conventions, special or otherwise! The survey will close in one month, on April 18th.
Location: 124 N. Fayette Street Saginaw, MI 48602 | Phone: (877) 752-6020
Copyright © 2021 The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan. Site by CurlyHost.